You’re finding excellent service and inexpensive hosting plans? Then you’re in correct place to end your search. Here, I recommend you Godaddy Hosting because it specialize in all types of hosting as well as reasonable in price.
GoDaddy hosting is a one of the largest web companies all over the world. It offers a large number of web hosting services, including WordPress hosting, Drupal hosting, Joomla hosting, eCommerce hosting, and so on. We also host our site on godaddy hosting. Godaddy provide many features to satisfied their customer.
Features By Godaddy Hosting:
- Free domain with annual plan – Restrictions apply
- 1000s of themes and plugins
- One-click migration tool
- sFTP access to WordPress files
- Nightly backups
- Redundant firewalls, malware scanning and DDoS protection
- Automatic WordPress core updates
- Temporary website address
- Multi-language dashboard: English, Spanish or Portuguese
- Premium WordPress Hosting Platform
- Award-winning 24/7 support
- *99.9% uptime guarantee
- *Money-back guarantee
- ₨ 6,211.18 Google AdWords Credit
- ₨ 6,211.18 Bing Ads Credit
- ₨ 3,105.59 Facebook Ad Credit
- ₨ 621.12 Fotolia Photo Credits